What makes the Ideal Agent? Money or Attributes?
“Never do or don’t do anything because of FEAR”
Author 7th Heaven Episode Unknown

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So when you are considering an Agent to help you in your next real estate transaction, what do you think is important to you? Write those traits down and then put them in order of importance. When you write down your order of importance, go from top to bottom and ask this question, “If this was the only attribute that they had would that be ok?” Probably not, but let’s put them in a group. Then look at the list again from bottom to top and ask this next question, “If this was the only attribute that they did not have would that be ok?” This will obviously garner a different result. You will soon find what is truly important to you!
What do I think is the top attribute? For me, I think communication a) Timing–maybe you have a job and you can only talk after 7pm does your agent understand that? b) Method–So you are super busy and you prefer texting but your Agent wants to email all the time and you daily get hundreds of emails so you don’t see it. c) Content–Is the information you need done concisely or is there a story every time.