What to do While You are Deciding to Sell!
There is a lot to do and think about!
There is so much to do and think about-here are some ideas, but feel free to set up your own personal consultation with me with NO obligation!

Wouldn’t You Love Your Listing to Look Like This?
By Sherri Sue Parkin of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Arizona Properties
While every home is different, there is so much that you can do to make yours look amazing! Take a moment and take your phone out and take pictures of every room of your home at every angle and then look at them with a critical eye. This is what your prospective buyer will be doing in less than 2 seconds when they look at your pictures and decide whether to see it. Your first impression happens in a blink of an eye when they log online and see that first picture and decide whether to look at the rest of them.
Figure Out the Pros and Cons of Moving-You may be surprised!
Write all the reasons you can think of and Update them Daily!
Sometimes we think we need to stay for a neighbor only to have the neighbor move themselves, or we love a favorite restaurant only for them to sell and it no longer is the same. Are your cons temporary things?

Think How You Would Feel to Have a SOLD Sign in Your Front Yard!
Think How You Would Feel to Have a SOLD Sign in Your Front Yard!
Close your eyes and visualize your home SOLD! Does the thought bring excitement?
Getting prepared for the SOLD sign is the best way to bring on the offers!! Once you feel comfortable with Selling your home the better the chance that it will really happen!!

So When is the Right Time?
You WILL know! You literally will wake up and say ,”I am ready!!”
So make sure you have done what you need to do, to prepare for your listing so that you will not lose momentum when the right time to SELL arrives!

Give to your favorite charities and box the rest!
Go through every room and toss what you need to and give what you don’t need. Box up the stuff that you won’t need while you are selling your home!! The least amount of stuff (even in the closets will make the best impression!) the better.

Crunch the Numbers
Know the net proceeds range you are comfortable with!
There is a lot to think about when you are crunching the numbers, closing costs can be a surprise if you haven’t looked into everything that it includes, like Title Costs, Commissions, and sometimes there are Seller Concessions, Repair Costs for what the Buyer may request. Talk to your Realtor for a realistic view.

Plan for your Pets
Can your pets stay with friends or family during showings?
Having strangers in your home can be very stressful for pets, consider letting your agent know that you only want showings during specific hours such as an Open House when you can take your pets with you for some fun.
There IS a lot to do and think about!
While there is so much to do and think about, there is help!! To set up your own personalized consultation NO obligation call/text me at 480-809-5853