We appear to be in a Balanced Market!
Never Judge Your Clarity by Someone Else’s Response
Starting Over the TV Series

Check out my Podcast on “Balanced Real Estate Market! What is that?”
Right now we are all hearing that buying a home just isn’t possible, interest is too high, prices are too high or too low, the economy is bad, who knows what will happen in the future…So there may be some truth to all of these statements, but there are work arounds!
So when interest rates go up, lending tends to not be as tight, it’s the old supply and demand. Also, Seller’s are more apt to help buy down the interest in a Balanced Market! This is an awesome trend that is going on right now. Talk to your Lender about this one before you put in an offer to see what the maximum amount a Seller can contribute to you!
So prices being too high or too low, may not really be an issue if you are selling a home and buying a new one. In addition, Seller’s are more inclined to accept your contingent offer in a Balanced Market, giving you time to get your current home sold. But, be prepared to be a Seller who knows how to sweeten the pot for the right Buyer.
So the economy is bad and who knows what will happen in the future…so some day prices will go back up and the economy will get better. History tells us that there are ups and downs in real estate, but except in very rare cases is a home purchase deemed to be worthless, even if it’s only worth the land due to some unforeseen condemnation.
So if you are in the market to change your home, don’t be afraid, there are deals to be had and Seller’s are more reasonable than they have been in the last couple of years.